Ahad, 15 Mac 2020

Dinner Makeup Arabic Theme 20th Dec 2019/ Mekap Dinner Shah Alam


Past makeup job utk kwn  Fiza (nama xingt da😅)..So friendly..borak2 sharing about kids etc..
Sweet natural makeup utk tema pakaian ala Arabic

⚘Tqsm for having me⚘

Utk booking makeup service sy
Wassup 👉0173761115 Eja (no call pls)

Bridesmaid Makeup Hanis Shah Alam 7th Dec 2019/ Day Makeup Shah Alam


🌼Assalamualaikum smua🌼
Another late post😎.. guess who? Hanis lg skali req sy utk mekapkan coz she's a bridesmaid utk kawannya..😊rezeki kami dpt jmpe lg😆.. since majlis disiang hari..& also to compliment air muka Hanis yg sweet2 gitu..so sy decided to go for natural makeup on her😚

Alhamdulillah Hanis bpuas hati dgn look ke 2 ni..🤗🤗🤗 

😚Tq Hanis 4 having me🤗
Utk booking @ pertanyaan ;
Sila wassup 👉 0173761115 Eja 
Click link 👉makeupbyeja

Dinner Makeup Hanis Shah Alam 22nd Nov 2019/ Mekap Dinner Shah Alam


Late post lg😅😅...xpela as long as sis usaha post segala makeup job yg hado...unless pic tu ilang😣😣😣..actually byk pic ilang dek kerana hp prob abis segala 7 keturunan pic lesap ditelan batu belah batu bertangkup😫😫😫

Nway job kali ni adik Hanis yg still study di MSU😎..attend dinner U so harusla mekap letop2 kan😉😉...org klu da cantik..xyah over do the makeup😃...Hanis mmg da ada look tsendiri..sy sekadar enhancekan je bg lg cun😗😗...kulit Hanis selembut sutera..so xyh conceal lebih2...touchup2 ckit je😍

Sy share byk pic Hanis coz xtau nk pilih mn satu..semua cecantik belaka😅😄

Tq Hanis for having me😘borak kalah kawan sekolah rendah kakak😂..mcm kite da kenal lama benor..Hanis sweet sgt...seronok client semua baik2 belaka😁

Utk booking makeup service sy
Wassup 👉 0173761115 Eja (no call pls)

Dinner Makeup Amalina Shah Alam 29th Nov 2019/ Mekap Dinner Shah Alam


More & more late post. Tq Amalina for having me. Sory for the late post😆

Amalina jarang bmekap & she's totally serahkan pd sy utk mchantekkan lg beliau😊. Sy buat mekap sweet2 agitchewww😆 Such a sweet girl she is...

Thanks again Amal...

For makeup booking @ tempahan mekap
Wassup 👉0173761115 Eja (no call pls)

Sabtu, 14 Mac 2020

Dinner Makeup Purple Theme Shah Alam Puan Zita/ Mekap Dinner Tema Purple Shah Alam 25th Nov 2019


Job kali ni dinner makeup utk Puan Zita. Natural makeup sesuai compliment look Puan Zita yg lemah lembut orgnya. Very soft spoken person

Gud  news is Puan Zita menang tpt ke 2 contest penampilan paling cantik pd mlm tsebut. 
Tqsm sudi walk in utk mekap dirumah sy. 

Utk makeup booking Shah Alam 
sila wassup 👉 0173761115 Eja

Jumaat, 13 Mac 2020

Natural Makeup for Dinner/ Mekap Natural Dinner Nazeha Puncak Alam


Assalamualaikum..another late post as usual😂. Kebusy-an handling kids schooling +- house chores myebabkan 
ke-delay-an😆 up photos2 hasil mekap
Ya ampun😁

This time client sy Nazeha dr Uitm Puncak Alam. Nazeha requested light makeup utk dinner coz she seldom wear makeup. Air muka Nazeha also lembut..jd soft light makeup suits her very well

Thnks a lot sudi walk in ke rumah sis utk mekap (sis xde kedai dik😅)

Utk booking 
bole wasup 👉01737611115 eja

Harga walk in RM50 je dik
Makeup only. No hairdo utk yg free hair
Add on eyelash, RM5 per pair

Ahad, 8 Mac 2020

Dinner Makeup Suhaida Shah Alam/ Mekap Dinner Shah Alam



Alangkah byknya late post sy😂...ya ampun...itu pun x termasuk pic2 dlm camera & hp yg rosak sblm ni😣😣😣..byk pic yg hilang..ai is stress rasanya bl things mcm tu happen coz pic2 tu semua sy keep as a makeup profile & kenangan dgn client2 sy yg semuanya baik hati & friendly...😓hopefully xhappen lg in future😟

Job yg kali ni Dinner Makeup utk Puan Suhaida dr Alam Megah yg walk in ke tpt sy di Shah Alam. Pic da agak lama snap..sy simpan bt pekasam memandangkan aritu sarat pregnant & busy prepare utk bsalin da..sory kak lmbt upload😅

Puan Suhaida cantik..lemah lembut orgnya😊..awet muda sgt2..🤗thks sudi walk in utk mekap dgn sy

🌷Utk booking Makeup Service sy bole
Wassup📱0173761115 eja
🚫no call🚫
pic before makeup
Pic after makeup tp blum tukar ke dress😆

Mekap Hi Tea, Natural Day Makeup Damaiyanti

🌺Assalamualaikum & hai, Another late post. Makeup job utk sis Damaiyanti. Natural day makeup actually utk pegi wedding her freb but wed...